Happy second birthday Leah
Posted in Celebrations, Leah, Video on September 30th, 2011 by c-had – Be the first to comment
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Leah didn't want to be left out of the singing, so she joined in the fun.
Leah didn't want to be left out of the singing, so she joined in the fun.
Molly's preschool had a Back to School picnic at Hammond Park for all the kids and their families. As soon as we got there, Leah was ready to take a spin on the playground (Molly too).
Leah loved going down this big slide, and after several runs she managed to build up enough static electricity to create this hairstyle.
There were also organized games, including this sponge race. It was a relay in which players would fill a sponge with water, then race down to another bucket to fill. Molly loved it.
Leah joined in the fun as well.
Why play on the playground when you can have fun in the water fountain?
I don't think they're here to quench their thirst.
Our family was going in three different directions the morning of Leah's party. Chad played a tennis tournament that weekend, including an early morning match before the party. Uncle J tagged along to watch and be our event photographer.
At the same time, Molly had her first Fall ballet class. So, Aunt 'Chelle, Emmie and G'Mom took her. Here Molly is showing how she leaves class by demonstrating her curtsy.
That evening, G'Mom and Grampa watched all three girls so that the parents could have a night out. The girls enjoyed reading with Grampa before Leah went to bed.
A Sunday afternoon photo op.
Hold on girls!
While Molly was at preschool on Monday, the littlest girls had playtime at the playground.
The train is a good place to sit and talk it out with G'Mom.
Just Leah and her mom.
Emmie and Molly had fun helping G'Mom bake cookies. Though, all Molly really wanted to do was lick the spoon!
A good rainy day activity? Swimming, or swinging, in the hotel pool.
A told B, and B told C
“I'll meet you at the house
for Leah's party!”
“Whee!” said D to E F G
“Are you coming to see
the coconut tree?”
Chicka chicka boom boom!
Will there be enough room?
We'll find out when you RSVP!
When Leah consistently started choosing Chicka Chicka Boom Boom for a bedtime story, I knew it would be the perfect theme for her 2nd birthday. The party started with making Boom Boom shakers. It takes a lot of concentration to fill a shaker with beads.
The kids then sat for a reading of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and used their shakers to go boom boom!
To the surprise of many, I did not make the cake this time. Chad convinced me to focus on the rest of the party prep and have it made by Oh What a Cake. It was great decision and a great cake.
The basic story of Chicka Chicka Boom Boom is about the alphabet climbing to the top of the coconut tree. So, naturally we had to have one present.
Thanks for inspiring silly ways to play with balloons, Uncle J!
Leah was so excited for the birthday song that she even sang it to herself!
To fully appreciate the taste of the cake, Leah thought it necessary to close her eyes. Though, when you do that you must open your mouth as wide as you can to make sure it gets in.
Who needs a fork? Icing, finger, tongue.
Then it was present time and the kids were definitely present.
Leah's very into baby dolls right now. This one came with a bottle, which was a big hit.
She also enjoyed reading a fun, new book.
And as a party favor, guests left with colorful alphabet cookies.
Skit skat skoodle doot.
Flip flop flee.
Thanks for coming
To Leah’s party!
Leah turned 2 on the 16th, so we celebrated with cupcakes from the new Kupcakes & Co.
Two candles can be tough. It helps to call in some reinforcements.
She had singing birthday calls,
practiced tearing open gifts, a skill necessary for her party,
then played with some of her new toys.
Happy birthday big girl!
Routine is a wonderful thing and with the beginning of a new school year, we are back in the swing of it. Molly's now in the 4-year-old class at preschool, and of course still loving it. Her class is mostly the same kids (14 out of 18) as last year.
Yea for the first day of school!
And for those of you who are a bit nostalgic, here is Molly's first day of school last year. I can't believe how much older she looks!
Our Young Adult group headed to First Fruits Farm to pick apples. The farm is dedicated to growing fresh fruits and vegetables to feed the hungry. Volunteers come in and harvest; the farm then donates the food to the Maryland Food Bank, soup kitchens and shelters. We were going to be harvesting potatoes, but we ended up picking apples due to the excessive rain this week.
In case you were wondering, those are McIntosh apples.
Diana picking down low.
Reach, Eric!
Ladders can make anyone feel tall :)
Looking down from above.
Apples make you smile.
Chad's long arms helped out with some of the harder to reach apples.
Susan needed no ladder, as she showed her tree climbing expertise.
I believe Christy is up in the tree while Eric waits on the ground for her to throw apples at… I mean drop apples on… I mean hand apples to him.
Pick the apple...
Hand it down.
Frank was a veteran picker, but we didn't see much of him since he spent most of his time hidden amongst the treetops. Chad did manage to sneak a peak at him up there here, though.
Thanks to Amy for organizing this service project. We all really enjoyed it and hopefully, we'll get to do it again sometime.
Tuesday was beautiful day for a beach trip. Sandy Point State Park, which is on the Chesapeake Bay, is only about 45 minutes from our house. And Chad had a break in his work schedule, so he was able to join us too!
This was Leah's first trip to the beach, and she was not a fan of the sand (she's often not a fan of getting dirty). So, she refused to leave the blanket without being carried. She did, however, want to play a bit with the sand. So, she decided it was ok to reach for the sand with the shovel as long as she did not enter the sand herself.
Molly, on the other hand, loves the sand. She borrowed this shovel and kept digging with it almost the entire time we were there.
You shovel 16 tons...Ok, maybe not quite that much.
We did not go to the beach alone. Hannah and Emma and their moms came along as well.
Leah wanted nothing to do with the water, but she was willing to be carried somewhat near it to be closer to the other girls.
The beach was pretty empty, the weather was great, and the Bay Bridge made a nice backdrop for the view, just far enough away so we couldn't hear the cars on it.