Letter of the week – S
Posted in Kid crafts, Leah, Letter activities, Molly on March 31st, 2010 by jen – 1 CommentTo begin our 'S' week, Molly and I read The Very Busy Spider...

and made an S for spider.

She did some abstract painting using a straw. There was also a bit of splattering with a spoon.

G'Mom, Grampa, and Molly enjoyed some S'mores after dinner.

Leah got in on the theme of 'S' week too. We started her on solid foods. She's doing great and even seems to enjoy sweet potatoes, unlike her daddy and big sis!

Most of our week was spent preparing for Molly's 3rd birthday party, so I didn't quite get to everything I had in mind.
You can check out what other moms are doing with their tots at 1+1+1=1.