Santa Claus came to town
Posted in Celebrations, Family visits, Leah, Molly on December 31st, 2012 by jen – Be the first to commentSanta brought the girls a bunch of dress up clothes. Leah immediately had to put on the wedding attire, including veil and heels, which she wore for the entire time opening presents.

Molly was excited to finally get to see Brave thanks to getting it on Blu-ray from her sister.

This looks like a big present.

It's a scooter!

The girl's 1st cousin twice removed, Ann, restores very nice dolls and makes clothes for them. When Molly was younger, she gave her a very nice American Girl doll (also named Molly) which she continues to love. This Christmas, Leah got this very nice Madame Alexander doll, Wendy, along with a few very nice outfits to go along with her. It looks like she'll be a prominent figure in our house for years to come, too.

After opening Wendy, I made the girls close their eyes for an unwrapped surprise gift. Matching doll nightgowns!

After finishing opening presents at our house, we headed to Grams and Pop's house to open presents there. This music box from Aunt EA was a big hit for Leah, and we've been hearing It's a Small World over and over since she opened it.

We always open one present at a time, going around the room from youngest to oldest. So, Leah spent a lot of time waiting patiently for her turn to open another.

There were lots and lots of dress up clothes this Christmas - for the girls, for their dolls, and even for Molly's bear.

Grammy was in town to partake of the Christmas festivities too.

EA's boyfriend, Scott, loves all things bacon. So when I saw this recipe for Candied Bacon Fudge I had to make it for him. It got thumbs up from all who tasted it. Chad even said it was the best chocolate-bacon combo he's had!

Grams is shocked at the ceramic trivet with custom artwork created by Molly we gave her.

The blanket I made got a thumbs up from Pop.

Of course, Minnie Mouse is always a hit.

The one gift Molly kept talking about getting were these Unusual Unicorn Stompeez Slippers. When you walk in them, the eyes pop up due to the force of your foot pushing air from the bottom up into the eyes.

Nice pearls Aunt EA (given by her boyfriend Scott).

For Pop, EA (with help from several of us) put together a video montage of pictures throughout his life.

After seeing the video, the girls wanted to see some of Pop's Navy stuff, including his sword.

The girls tried on some of Pop's Navy hats. Before Chad took this picture, Aunt Caroline told them to make the biggest smiles they could. She apparently has not learned that you don't tell little kids that, as it will inevitably result in these faces.

Commander Sellers and Aunt Caroline got in on the hat fun as well.