Bake. Decorate. Donate.
Posted in Food, Molly, Playdates on November 25th, 2010 by jen – 4 CommentsThis week I hosted a Drop In & Decorate party for my MOMS Club. The idea is simple: decorate sugar cookies, then donate them to a local non-profit agency. The kids had a great time using squirt bottles to decorate the sugar cookies.

The kids also painted icing on the cookies.

The moms joined in on the decorating fun too!

Decorating is serious business!

Throughout the day, over 40 kids and moms came to the house to decorate. Molly loved having so many friends to play with!

We had some creative designs created on the cookies.

Everyone had such fun decorating that before I knew it we were out of cookies! In the end, over 200 cookies were decorated. The dining room was so colorful and smelled heavenly!

The cookies dried overnight and the next day we wrapped and boxed them for donation.

I delivered 125 bags of sweet treats to the Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center.

The party was a huge success! Several moms talked about hosting a party with their Girl Scouts and military wives groups. The great thing about these Drop In & Decorate parties is that you can have 5 people or 40 people. If you are interested too, all the information and resources to do so is on the Drop In & Decorate website.