Starting new schools
Posted in Leah, Molly, School on August 30th, 2021 by c-had – Be the first to commentEnd of schools
Posted in Leah, Molly, School on June 15th, 2021 by c-had – Be the first to commentWe're finally at the end of this unique school year! This is the end of the line for both of them at their respective schools. Here's to new adventures in the Fall (and being in school 5 days a week)!

And for a before and after, here are some girls starting middle school almost 3 years ago, and finishing it now.

Battle of the Books
Posted in Leah, School on April 16th, 2021 by c-had – Be the first to commentLeah's team, the Quarantween Readers, had a great time in Battle of the Books.

I was worried she was going to miss out on this fun experience since it was over Zoom instead of in person, but it was great! In some ways, it was better than the in-person experience. The girls were very into the competition, and spent every spare moment dancing and laughing. Afterward, Leah said it was one of the best days of her life.

First day of virtual school
Posted in School on September 8th, 2020 by c-had – Be the first to commentMolly Solo and Ensemble Festival
Posted in Molly, Music, School on February 2nd, 2020 by c-had – Be the first to comment
Molly's orchestra director at school organized octets for those interested in smaller ensembles this year (as you may have seen at Barnes and Noble). Molly's octet performed at the Howard County Solo and Ensemble Festival in February. They were fantastic, and earned a superior rating and an invitation to the state festival later this year.
Molly Symphony Orchestra Concert January 2020
Posted in Molly, Music, School on January 24th, 2020 by c-had – Be the first to commentIn addition to her Chamber Orchestra, her GT Sinfonia, and her octet, Molly joined the Symphony Orchestra at school again this year. This group includes 6th-8th graders, and combines strings with winds, brass, and percussion. They meet at 6:50am before school every Tuesday and Thursday, so these are some dedicated kids. They had their first concert in January.
Leah concert times 3
Posted in Leah, Music, School on January 22nd, 2020 by c-had – 1 Comment
Leah had a very busy concert evening in January. The evening began with Leah singing with the school Chorus.
After singing with the chorus, Leah transitioned to the stage to play her cello in the Advanced Orchestra made up of fourth and fifth graders.

Leah still wasn’t done, though. Next, she played her cello in the Symphony Orchestra as well.

Nice job, Leah!
Molly Chamber Orchestra January 2020
Posted in Molly, Music, School on January 10th, 2020 by c-had – Be the first to commentBarnes and Noble concert
Posted in Molly, Music, School on December 12th, 2019 by c-had – Be the first to commentMolly is part of a string octet at school, and they played at Barnes & Noble in December. They're very good.