Strawberry picking

On Memorial Day, Larriland Farm opened their strawberry fields. All of us (G’Mom, Grampa, Jen, Molly, Leah, and I) made the trip to pick a few pounds of them.

Strawberry picking

It’s important to sample the fruit your picking to make sure it is up to your standards.

Taste testing

The girls frequently showed the interesting-looking ones to us.

Look at this one!

You’ve got to get down low to pick strawberries. Consequently, I mostly let everyone else do the picking while I took the pictures.

Down low

Here we all are with our haul. We ended up with 16 pounds which is a lot. Next time, we’ll get more though, as you get a discount if you go over 20 pounds.

Strawberry pickers

After picking the strawberries, we headed to the Red Barn on the farm to see what else they had for sale. The girls got some fudge, and sampled it quickly.

Fudge too

Outside the barn, they had some goats and alpacas that the girls fed. This little alpaca was just the right height for them.


It was a fun (and delicious) morning outing.

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