The after party

The party was over, but the fun was not. Once the guests left, there was still more celebrating to do.

All of Molly’s guests signed this shirt for her. So, once they left she had to try it on.

Party shirt

As usual, we didn’t have time to open all the presents from her friends during the party. After the party, though, she dove into all the great gifts. This giant stuffed cat got a serious reaction.


Molly’s big birthday present is a new bike from Grams, G’Mom and Grampa, and us. This Trek MT 220 will be great for her for a long time.

New bike

Later that evening, it was time to open even more presents - this time from G’Mom and Grampa.

More presents

To go along with her new bike, G’Mom and Grampa got her this giant (and extremely loud) bell. It’s awesome.

Giant bell

G’Mom also made her this new pillowcase. It's a good thing she finished this before she came, as she might have a bit of trouble with sewing for a little while.


Thus ended a very busy day. Happy birthday, Molly!

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