My Handmade Holidays, Day 2

One Fall afternoon, the girls and I were Skyping with my mom. She informed me that she had a couple of ideas for Christmas. One was to make her a new Spring purse. She really liked the previous one I made her, but wanted one more Spring-like. So, like a good daughter, I obliged. :)

Spring buttercup bag


  1. G'mom says:

    I love it – I love it – I love it! I’m so glad I dropped the suttle hint……….

  2. Aunt Jan says:

    I’m glad you decided to venture into doing contrast welting. Particularly on a cute print like this, it really finishes it off so nicely. Good job! I’m sure Susan will enjoy.

  3. […] romper Spring buttercup bag Roll-up totes Kid’s floor cushions Christmas jammies Casserole carrier Quilted wine […]

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