Little Dresses for Africa

Last month, I came across this Do-It-For-Others Project. The goal is to make 200 pillowcases dresses to send to Little Dresses for Africa and aid in "changing lives one little dress at a time." So, my mom (and dad) and I did our part and made 5 dresses.

If you'd like to participate, leave a comment here and get to sewing! The dresses need to be received by the end of July.

Little Dresses for Africa


I'm linking up to Strut Your Stuff Thursday at Somewhat Simple so you can see other crafters newest creations.


  1. Janelle says:

    Your dresses are so cute! This looks like a wonderful project to support. I think it would be fun to participate…I’ll have to ask my mom if she’d like to do this, too!

  2. Gmom says:

    This was truly fun for our 4th of July weekend! Thanks so much for including me in the project! I can’t wait to find out how many dresses are actually finished and sent to Africa.

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