Catching flies

Leah likes to keep her mouth open.

Happy little girl

Open mouth

Shopping with her mouth open (of course).

Shopping cart

Most people open their mouths to smile; Leah has to actually close hers somewhat.

Smiley Leah

A few other fun pictures of Leah: This was an attempt to get a shot of her first tooth, but her reaction was better than any picture of her tooth could have been.


Leah makes this face while breathing hard through her nose. It makes me laugh every time she does it!

Funny faces


  1. Robin says:

    I love these pictures. Your blog is always so good! Kate makes that same face while she breathes hard through her nose. Funny, huh?

  2. Gmom says:

    It’s so wonderful to have a happy baby! I love the big eyes! Lovya!

  3. Melanie says:

    What great expressions! I almost forgot what it looks like to have a little one without teeth!

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