New site
In case you couldn't tell, we've completely redone the site. We've moved to a blog format that will hopefully make it easier to keep up to date (and prevent the months of inactivity that we were having before). Almost all of the old content has been imported into the new site, so you should still be able to find stuff here. Some details of the changes:
The front page is now a blog. Feel free to subscribe to the RSS feed and keep up with what's going on. You'll see posts from Jen, Molly, and me (though probably mostly from Jen) to keep you up to date on what's going on. You can also, of course, comment on our posts, so the new site is much more interactive.Pictures
All of our pictures are now found on Flickr (see the link at the right). The old Digital Scrapbook here served us well for years, but it was definitely showing its age. The old RSS feed for the Digital Scrapbook will now go away, though you can subscribe to our photostream on Flickr. Flickr gives us many advantages, including:- storing full size images for anyone wanting to print copies
- allowing comments so you can tell us how wonderful we look
- even order prints to be shipped to you or picked up at Target
Our videos can still be found here. Each video is just a post to the blog, so they'll show up just like another blog post. If you want to see older videos, just click on the Video Category on the right.
We hope you enjoy the new site. Let us know what you think.