More subtle than Pepto-Bismol pink

When we started looking for a house, the girls had only a couple of requests. First, they wanted to share a room and have bunk beds. Secondly, they wanted that room to be pink. They already got their bunk beds, but their room was a very boring neutral color. So, as we got ready to paint a bunch of rooms in our new house, we knew the first one to tackle would be theirs.

The girls wanted pink, but Jen was not up for in-your-face Pepto-Bismol pink. So, Jen found this very pale shade of pink called anemone from Sherwin Williams. Since it was their room, the girls both helped with the painting.

Molly too

They painted for a little bit at the start, but then they got tired. I figured that might be all they did, but they proved me wrong. After a bit of a break, the girls returned with renewed spirits saying they wanted to paint some more.

Happy workers

They even livened things up with an impromptu song.

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Here's the finished room. The girls love that it's pink, and Jen loves that it's a bit more subtle than your average pink room.

Finished product


  1. G'mom says:

    Awesome painters – and singing is superb! Much better than “Whistle While You Work” – yea, yea, yea!

  2. grampa says:

    great song by great painters….love both. Grampa.

  3. Kathryn says:

    What a perfectly PALE pink room! SO cute- and happy new home to you all! The singing is so adorable- I especially love the verse- “but my arm’s getting tired so I’m gonna switch hands!” hahaha 😉

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