Long music

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Our visit to the Long household was a very musical one. There was a lot of singing and dancing, and I'm glad to say that they've inspired us to add some singing to the bedtime routine. Here's a sampling of the music we experienced on our trip.


  1. […] was a lot of music going on during our stay (as seen in this video), including piano, guitar, and these lovely […]

  2. Michelle says:

    this was the best video! it made me smile alot!

  3. Gmom says:

    This was SO much fun – I’m leaning left and right just looking at the video! Molly was doing great with rhythm too!

  4. Michelle says:

    this was our 2nd choice and she LOVED it. She could watch these all night. She is crying now b/c it is over and signed “please” again.

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