June 2007

Jen cross-stitched this to frame and hang on Molly's wall.


Molly is an excellent sleeper (like her dad). She regularly sleeps 8-9 hours through the night, and is able to sleep most places. Check out this video to see her in action.

Here she is up close. She's happy a lot now, and let's you know with smiles and noises. Check out this video of her being happy and noisy.

And again.

And again (hope you aren't getting tired of these).

Molly likes to sit up, though she also likes to fall over. Nothing a couple pillows can't help with. For an example of what happens without pillows, check out this video.

Last month you saw us find Molly turned 180 degrees in her crib. Here, we see that she squirmed 90 degrees and all the way to the end of the crib.

We had lots of people come in town for Molly's baptism. The first to arrive were Grampa and G'Mom.

Here she is sleeping on Grampa.

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